Meet the Doctor

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    Dr. Blake Terry, D.C.

    Dr. Blake Terry played ice hockey for 18 years all across the United States. Throughout those years, he experienced numerous injuries; broken bones, concussions even joint pains.

    After seeking treatment from physical therapists, medical doctors and eventually attempting home remedies, nothing seemed to have a long-lasting effect on the pain from the years of sports injuries. With desperation for some relief, one of the fathers in the hockey world invited Blake in for treatment at his chiropractic office, which Blake accepted. Dr. Terry was astonished by his experience at the chiropractor’s office and how his body was at ease for the first time in months. He had questioned why it had taken him so long to find this hopeful solution. It was at this point he decided to pursue his career in healthcare to do his part in changing the way people approached healing.

    Dr. Terry first started his pursuit to becoming a chiropractor by earning his Bachelor of Science degree in Health and Exercise Sciences with a concentration on Sports Medicine from Colorado State. He then persevered with his education at Life Chiropractic College West where he achieved the merit of graduating Magna Cum Laude and walked the stage as Doctor of Chiropractic. Throughout his experience in the doctorate program, Dr. Terry learned over seven different chiropractic techniques but still strongly believes that his most valuable experiences and education came from his training and mentorship outside of Life West.

    Only a couple of months into his graduate schooling, Dr. Terry was fortunate enough to be introduced to his mentor, Dr. Harry Wong, who has been in the chiropractic and alternative medicine healthcare realm for over 40 years. Dr. Harry Wong travels around the country educating established chiropractors on the advancements of “old school” chiropractic with the modern technique coined Advanced Biostructural Correction otherwise known as ABC. After reviewing the extensive amount of research on how the human body heals and witnessing first-hand how reliable and predictable the results Dr. Harry Wong’s patients were receiving, Dr. Terry knew that this was the best care he could give to his community.

    Dr. Terry spent three years absorbing 40 years of expertise and knowledge from Dr. Harry Wong, often driving over 4 hours a day and 4 days a week to the Bay Area. The dedication Dr. Terry had for chiropractic, ABC, and his mentorship was due to his passion for spreading awareness of the proven value of these treatments and his will to provide his community with his newly found knowledge of health and long-term healing.

    Dr. Terry developed an ABC training group while attending Life Chiropractic College West. He would devote his time before and after classes, educating and training students on the ABC technique. This group persisted for 8 months before he passed the torch onto one of his students. Dr. Terry strives to expand the Advanced Biostructural Correction community by mentoring chiropractors.

    Once other chiropractic professionals witness the undeniable results from the ABC treatments, more offices will treat their patients for lasting pain reduction instead of a temporary fix.

    Dr. Terry is extremely passionate about his goal to reduce pain and suffering. He spends his weekends and free time attending seminars. Dr. Terry believes in continuously advancing his knowledge in the healing industry and loves to teach people how to take better care of their bodies. Outside of healthcare and his profession, Dr. Terry enjoys hiking with his dogs, fly fishing throughout the country, golfing, and volunteering in his community.


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