Advanced BioStructural Correction (ABC)

Advanced BioStructural Correction(ABC) is a new approach in the world of structural healthcare being practiced around the world. ABC is a method of determining what body structures are stuck in a position that the body cannot self-correct the alignment. Contact our Simi Valley, CA chiropractic clinic today to learn more.


This method is different from other adjustment methods in the sense that it only attempts to correct problems that the body cannot fix by itself. This includes two main issues: meningeal scars and bones stuck forward in your spine (Primary Shifts, in ABC terminology).

This method has consistent and predictable positive effects - because it addresses both of those issues. It does this with a style of adjusting that is precisely the opposite of traditional methods. Rather than putting a force on the spine from a backward-to-forwards direction, ABC adjustments aim to lift bones back into position with either standing- or rolling-type adjustments that apply forward-to-backward pressures to the spine. By using the leverage of our spine, we do not need to make big forceful adjustments that some types of chiropractic care for us to get the desired result.


ABC is also different in that it is a full-body system that also addresses misalignments of the ribs, pelvis, knees, feet, ankles, and cranial bones with specific adjustment techniques. A typical treatment session scans the body from head to toe for bones that are misaligned in positions from which the body cannot correct and adjusts them back into their correct positions.

After one session of ABC, your body’s ability to hold itself upright immediately improves because the mechanical leverage of your spine has been restored. After the primary shifts are corrected, and the tight meningeal scars have been reduced so that they don’t pull you into poor posture, you will feel your body relax. You’ll notice that your postural muscles will start to relax due to your bones being in the correct biomechanical position and taking on more of the responsibility for posture. Once these primary shifts have been addressed, your spine can release the compensation patterns, a process that can take some time but creates a noticeable reduction in pain, tension, and stiffness, even after the first session.

At the end of each session, you can expect that your body is better able to balance itself in an upright position. This may feel like you’re taller, breathing easier, or moving more freely.


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